Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rose Garden

We have been trying to spend more time out of the house in order to keep it cleaner so we stopped by the park, duck pond, and rose garden on the way home from dropping Nathaniel off yesterday. I didn't even do the girls' hair before we left so they look a little rough. The girls LOVED the rose garden. I told them the names of all of the roses and they thought it was so fun. There were names like "Pink Parfait" and "Perfume Delight". Of course my girly girls thought that was so neat. We had never done the rose garden although we have been many times to the park and duck pond. When we were getting in the car Eliza said in a dreamy voice, "weren't the roses beautiful?" I'm glad we took the detour.


The Santini Stew said...

I need to go check that out! How fun!

Joanna said...

Love it Spokane has one of those with a lilac garden, japanese garden, etc. Its super fun to take kids to.

Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

Hey thanks for the comment! As soon as we close on our house we will begin the building process, we are building technically in richland however its very close to west. IF you go down bombing range and take a left on keen and head towards kennewick there are new developements out there along with a new elementary school within 3 blocks of where we are building! It's a great location!!!!

good luck with your house!!! we put ours on the market a year and a half ago and it was on the market for almost 5 months, so we pulled it and when it went up this time it took a month. Hopefully it will go fast and well for you guys!!! it can get very stressful having a how 'show ready' with little ones!!!!