Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Gila Valley Temple Open House

Other sites we saw on our trip: Spencer W. Kimball's house above and Nathaniel's house in Thatcher (no picture)

Our family went over to Safford, AZ to see the new temple on Fri. May 14th. It was a great experience to be in the temple with my little ones. Nana, Elizabeth, and Grandma Sorenson were there with us. Eliza was so fun to have there. She is old enough that she understands so much. I would tell her what room we were in and some vague details about it. I would point out paintings and chandeliers and she had this huge smile almost the entire tour. I told her it was even more beautiful than a castle. She said that it could be her castle since she is a princess because Heavenly Father is her Father. I thought that was so sweet. I loved seeing my kids in the eternity mirrors in the sealing room and talking with Eliza in the Celestial room. Tanner fell asleep in my arms and when we were in the sealing room I looked at the altar and remembered the day I knelt across from my husband and how much has changed since then. We have 4 wonderful kids, been through 6 years of school, moved 5 times, and had hundreds of memories and adventures. I loved holding his hand and thinking just how much I love him and how glad I am that he chose me and I chose him in return. I couldn't have done better for myself. This past week I keep looking at him at random times and thinking that same thing. I am so glad I married him. He is so perfect for me.

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