Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Nathaniel graduated from the James E. Rogers College of Law on Sat. May 15th at 2:00 p.m. Here he is dressed in his robe. Super fancy! Poor guy was burning up.Our family on graduation day up on campus. (Tanner was asleep in the stroller and I didn't want to wake him up.) He requested that the kids be there for the big day so we brought them. We thought it would be neat for them to see Daddy walk across the stage and cheer for him. It turned out to be not as much fun as I had hoped. (I had to put this picture in because Nathan is making the funniest face. I like the other picture better.)

Here he is walking in. They got to pick who they sat next to. They didn't do alphabetical order. Nathaniel was next to JD which was, of course, more fun. They started this journey through law school together and it seemed appropriate to end side by side.
Nathaniel walking across the stage. He had his own cheering section. His parents, Nancy and Quentin with their 5 kids, Kamber, Matthew, Elizabeth, and my family were all there.
The boys with their diplomas. I thought this picture turned out really good. I really wanted a good picture of these two guys. They are such good buddies. It is fun to have gone through this journey with the Santinis.
Me and my graduate. Who would have thought I would be a lawyer's wife? Definitely not me. I'll see how I handle the part.
The grads.
Tanner eyeing the diploma...someday, son, you could have your own.
Nathaniel with his beautiful mother. So proud!
JD, Megan, Me, and Nathaniel. And no, Megan and I didn't do the matchy-matchy thing on purpose. I love it though. I think this is one of the only pictures I have of all 4 of us together.
Proud wives kissing their graduates.
Side Note: Eliza was so funny when I dropped Nathaniel off for his Barbri prep course at U of A on Mon. the 24th. She said, "Daddy, why do you have to go to class when you graduated?" Yeah, it does seem a little anticlimactic doesn't it!
Other Side Note: We decided to have an open house during the graduation since we knew we were going to be gone. We were up and finishing painting the fence at 6:30 in the morning and spent the whole day cleaning and doing more touch-up paint to be sure everything was perfect. We hardly had time to enjoy the big day and celebrate. Daddy did take the kids to get donuts that morning so that was nice. Just as we are getting ready and I am blow drying my hair, the breaker blows and half of the house is out of power. We tried to do a few things to get it to work, but it never came back on. So, I finished getting ready in another room and we had to leave for the graduation and have the open house with only half the lights and fans working. What a stressful moment. We decided that since there was nothing we could do about it at the moment to just forget about it and enjoy the big day as much as possible. I wasn't about to miss out on pictures and moments that I would never get back.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Yeah! I mean hip hip hooray, hip hip horay, hip hip hooray! So happy for you guys!