Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A Night for Nathaniel

Nathaniel was awarded a certificate in International Trade and Business Law on the evening of Fri. May 14th. We had just returned home from the temple and had to hurry to get the babysitter and get there. We brought Tanner as you can see and everyone loved him. It was like no one had seen a baby in years. It was such a different experience for me to be around people all dresses up immodestly, drinking, and talking politics. People were all very kind and I had a fun time learning about what my husband is like at school. I never knew he had an arch nemesis- Jen. She was there and they are actually friends. She was so funny. I was also surprised that so few people receive these certificates and that my husband got not only this one but also the Criminal Law one. He was also 1 of 4 people graduating to get the Dean's recognition award. I sure am well-pleased with my good husband for all of his hard work and endurance through all of these years of schooling. He really is so intelligent and accomplished.

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