Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Simple Things

I was having a particularly hard morning after a particularly hard day the day before and this really stopped me in my tracks. I'll be honest. Nathan is very challenging right now. He is so stinkin' cute and he makes me smile and laugh everyday. I love to snuggle that boy and sing to him...but sometimes I just struggle with him. He is always on the go (no surprise, he's a boy), he loves to bully his sisters, he cannot be left alone when Tanner is anywhere near him, and he gets into everything. I know, a typical two year old. But still, a challenge. He doesn't speak and so he gets frustrated easily. He loves to ruin whatever it is the girls are playing with so they don't love to play with him too often. Anyway, I was exhausted already that morning and Nathan insisted on taking his socks off because he swore they were dirty. (I only know this because he signed it to me.) I told him to put them in the laundry if he wasn't going to wear them and he took off with them. I thought I would find them in my food storage or some other random place later, but I didn't care. As I went back to that part of the house later on that day I saw what is pictured above. He had taken both of his socks and very carefully placed them on the edge of the washer. I stopped what I was doing and turned around and went and picked up that sweet little boy and hugged him and kissed him over and over and over. For some reason I just felt that was his way of trying to be good for me...and it was enough for that day. I loved those little dirty socks on my washer. It reminded me of how much I absolutely adore that little monster!

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