Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Flying Solo

(Tanner on the Love Sac. Everyone loves the Love Sac.)

The stress of keeping the house perfect to show was kinda stressing me out and I didn't want to be the snippy mom always yelling at my kids for being kids and making messes so I decided to get outta town. I really love living close enough to Yuma that we can just head over for a weekend. I left Nathaniel here to study for finals and work on his substantial paper and we, me and the 4 kids, took off Thursday morning. We only have one car so I was leaving Nathaniel with his bike and friends to lean on for rides. He made out like a bandit getting free dinners and rides and what not. People took good care of him.
As for us, I could not have asked for more perfect children in the van on the way over and back. Seriously, UNBELIEVABLY GOOD. We stopped at the Gila Bend McDonald's as always and the girls went potty while I changed the boys. It was so funny to see people smile at the kids and watch us pack 5 of us in the handicap bathroom. Thank goodness it is the biggest handicap bathroom EVER. It was so easy to get in and get things done and get out. Tanner was the best kid. I woke him up to feed him at our stop and he didn't make a single peep until we made it to Yuma and he cried for 30 seconds at a stop light on the way to Nancy's house. With Quentin gone Nancy and I just shared her bed. She has the most comfortable bed. The girls all piled into their room. I couldn't believe how good they were. They went to sleep relatively well. Five girls in one room and they did great. While we were there we played at the park, fed the ducks, went to the primary activity, and had fun just playing around the house and yard. I had a great time learning from Nancy and her family. She is the best scripture reader with her kids. She gets into the stories so much that her kids are at the edge of their seat and Lexi said one night, "Ahh, I don't want to wait until tomorrow, keep reading!" I'm not joking, she really said that. Nancy is such a natural teacher. She was great at the primary activity too. She can just throw things together and it turns out great. She is dramatic and enthusiastic at all the right times. I had a fun time watching her parent and picking up tips from her. Quentin got home on Sat. night at I had fun staying up and talking with them. I knew both Nancy and Quentin before they started dating so I think it is fun to be comfortable with both of them as friends as well as family. We got to see a little bit of Mom and Dad (they were gone at Woodbadge with Quentin) but some time is better than no time. Nathan had been begging all weekend for "Papa". One of the only words he says, and he says it often. We also got to see Aunt Becca, Uncle Matthew, and soon to be Aunt Kamber. I love that I get to see so many of the Sorenson's all in one place. I married into such a great family. I love spending time with them. One of my favorite times when we went to Yuma was going to the park one night with Becca, Josh (her boyfriend), and his little sister Jessica. There were 14 of us all together and we went to the park right there by Nancy's house. We played "sand monster" on the toys (Nancy's game she plays with her kids. She is the sand monster and if the kids touch the sand she gets them.) Watching her chase after her kids inspired me to do the same. I love times like that when you see your kids having such a great time and watching their smiles spread from ear to ear. We fed the ducks and the kids loved having Josh there. He was sooo cute with the kids. One of the ducks would come up and eat the bread right out of your hand. That was cool. Anyway, it was a very fun time. On the way home however we had a little scare when we were crossing the street. Like I said, there were 14 of us all together, hard to miss us, and Becca and Lexi had gotten all of the way across the street and a lady driving her car wasn't paying attention (probably texting or something) and almost hit Autumn as she was crossing the street. It was the scariest thing ever. I was screaming at the lady and she didn't even try to stop, no screeching of brakes or anything. She just tried to swerve away from her last minute. I couldn't believe it. We were obviously being watched over. It gave us all a big scare to say the least.

We came home Monday morning and I haven't been nearly as stressed about the house as I was before. It was perfect timing going to Yuma. Nathan had just gotten over his viral throat infection and I got a cold right after I got back. We really needed that little get away. I had a great time and am looking forward to doing it again sometime. I just hope the kids will be just as great next time as they were on this trip.
Our outing to walmart. 9 children and 2 adults. It was a complete success, until checkout. Nancy had brought a rope with pool rings tied to it that they had to hold on to. Great idea.
Kate never wore anything that was hers. She wore Lexi and Lauren's clothes all weekend...underwear and all sometimes.
The baby boys at the primary activity. I took them for a walk around the church, along with Nathan. They did great and fell asleep in no time.
The primary activity. Kate got to be Laman, Lauren was Nephi building the ship.
The boys got to take a turn and be animals on Noah's ark.
One of the few times the boys played well together. Let's just say they aren't best friends...yet.

Nathan loved chasing the ducks. It was so cute, for me, not the ducks.

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