Saturday, May 1, 2010

Allergic to Tucson

I love a lot of things about this place. Like for instance the beautiful sunsets, the warm winters, the lack of spiders, etc. I am however discovering I am allergic to something in the air here. It is no fun at all. The few times I have been running outside I have paid for it all day with the sneezing, sinus pressure, headache and such. I can now empathize with all of you that have had to deal with allergies on a regular basis. I would just rather be fat rather than run and pay for it the rest of the day every time I do. Hence, I am still fat. I do however have a beautiful prize for this extra weight I am carrying around so it's worth it ;) !

1 comment:

Laurel said...

I think the only thing I am allergic to is exercise.