Monday, May 31, 2010

Our Few Days Off in Yuma

We went over to Yuma for the week we had off between graduation and the beginning of the Barbri course Nathaniel is taking. We were originally going to go up to Ely to find a place to live, but since we have had no offers on the house it looks like we will be here all summer and so our trip up will have to be later. We bought the girls bikes in Yuma and so I got them helmets while we were there. Luckily the Hello Kitty helmets they chose were the cheapest. Love that. Here they are trying them on as we left. I thought they looked so funny. I love how little kids don't care how silly they look in public.

Eliza got really good on her bike. This is Nana and Papa's neighborhood. It was the perfect place to ride. Our first bike ride in Yuma was to the park with Nancy and the cousins. I left Tanner home with Nancy's mom and she rode her bike with the trailer that Nathan rode in. That made it so much easier to help the girls...and they needed it. I had to keep helping them get started after they would use their brakes. Eliza was very concerned with the sloping of the sidewalk and was afraid she would fall. They are still working on steering and so I was constantly redirecting them to the side of the road. Let's just say that when it was time to go home from the park, Kate jumped in the trailer with Nathan because she was worn out and perhaps a little discouraged from the short ride to the park. The bike was pulled behind the trailer home. They did great for their first outing. Eliza kept saying, "I'm doing it!"
The view of their street from the other side. Like I said, it was the perfect little street to practice on.
Look how cute he is in Kate's helmet. He always wanted to wear it and get on her bike. We already have a princess bike at home from my sister Chelsea for Kate so I figure we can paint this one later and use it for Nathan so they all have a bike.
He was sad when Kate wanted her bike so he sat down in the middle of the road. If you notice he has his blanket with him. He LOVES this blanket. If ever it is dirty and I am washing it, he waits by the washer or dryer and cries. I have to sneak it into the laundry without him noticing. It rarely finishes a cycle without him noticing. And yes, my son sleeps with a little doll. I'm trying to curb the monster in him by developing a nurturing side. It's not working. (Just for those of you who are panicking about him sitting in the middle of the road, I am standing in the road just on the other side of the camera. Nathaniel took the picture. You should know me well enough to know that I am not that lenient.)
Aunt Becca works for this lady in Yuma that is so generous and nice. She invited my kids and Nancy's to go to Jump Up! with her son, Nathaniel. They had so much fun. Here they are with Lexi in the foam cubes.
I had to post this picture because I love the look on Kate's face. She thought she was going to fall. She has the best facial expressions.

I think Liza looks so pretty in this picture. I love her eyes.

Jumping on the trampoline with the cousins.
Aunt Becca even got in the cubes with the kids. It is harder for adults to get out since they weigh more. It was funny to see her playing around with them. She is very helpful.
It's a bummer this one is blurry. She kept posing for me and then saying, "Let me see!"
Kate in mid-air. I love it.
Running through the sprinklers after riding bikes again.
Nathan was getting thirsty. He drinks water from wherever he is whether it be the tub, puddles, the pool or sprinklers. Should I be concerned about this?
When I was in Yuma Nancy and I went running several times that week. It was so good for me. I loved getting up and going with her. She is very reliable and I knew I couldn't bail on her and she is also great company. When I got up one morning to go this is what I saw at 5:55 a.m. I love how everything is so perfectly placed. She has everything there- both babies, her blanket, pillow and her security shirt that she sleeps with. It was very funny. I moved her into my bed when I left.
We also got to go on a date. Nana watched the kids while Nathaniel and I went to see a movie with Tanner. I had a great time. We always do!


Laurel said...

Looks like a fun trip. I sure wish you lived closer. Ely is closer, but even closer than that would be better. I'm glad you enjoy your other family so much. That makes all the difference in the world!

Joanna said...

I love this! Love the girls in the store, they are just like their sweet mom! Miss you!