Saturday, May 1, 2010

New Pictures

Yes, that's an Easter basket she is asleep in. The handle is around her waist. She loved her Easter basket. She played with it forever.

We went out today to the Rillito River trail. That's where I used to run with Megan and Lori. It is a fun trail to run and I thought it would be perfect for the girls to practice riding their bikes on. They have pretty much mastered pedaling, but their steering needs a little work. We had to keep them on their side of the trail so the bikers wouldn't crash. It was a fun time.
We are trying to get Tanner to lay on this side of his head more often. He favors looking and laying in the other direction. We don't want another kid in a helmet so we are doing our best to avoid that. He is so sweet and cute.
Trying to find his thumb. He likes sucking his thumb but still doesn't find it much. I like that he takes the pacifier, but the thumb is handy at times. It is so much easier later though to take away the pacifier. Finger sucking is a hard habit to break. Kate and Nathan still do it.
Nathan dove into the girls door and got a nice bruise on his cheek from it. It looked like we hit the kid in the face with a bat. We didn't, but you wonder what people think in public. Doesn't he look so sweet in this picture?
My little Katerloo, she is so funny. I love her. She has the best facial expressions.
This was taken about a month ago. He had an ear infection. You wouldn't know it from this picture. Like I said, he is the BEST baby.
I love this face. What a stud! Nathaniel took him in for his 2 month appointment and shots on Friday the 30th. I was sick so I didn't take him. I made him bring me back his stats so I could document them. He weighed 14 lbs. 3 oz. and was 24 1/2 inches long. That's under 50% for height and weight. Very different from our Nathan. His head circumference is 42 cm which is apparently above 90%. He doesn't seem to have a big head though. I think it is perfect.
Daddy wouldn't love it if he knew I posted this picture. Nathan loves dress up and dolls. He has a thing for these wings and wands. I love it. I think it is so cute. He has a little doll that he carries around and tonight he had me burp it. I couldn't figure out what he wanted so he took my hand and showed me what to do. He mimics a lot.
Sisters. This is one of the rare days they left their hair done. They don't like me to do their hair and it isn't left done for long when I do it. Cute ladies.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Thanks for sharing, love it!