Saturday, May 1, 2010

Nathan Turns 2!

Nathan's birthday was also the day we put our house on the market, so it was a little busy (understatement of the year!). We signed papers the night before and so we took the kids out the McDonalds for dinner since we weren't going to be home until late. They had a great time. I let my kids pick out what they want for dinner on their birthday, but since Nathan doesn't talk and makes a huge mess of anything and everything he eats I figured this would work great for both of us. No effort and lots of credit from the kids. They thought we were so great for letting them go to "MickelDonalds" (rhymes with nickel) as Liza says. We bought him a helium balloon since he LOVES balloons. Kate popped it within hours. I also didn't have time to make his cake and didn't want to mess up my clean kitchen so we picked up this yummy cake from Fry's grocery store. Eliza was so excited. "This one is even better than then one we were going to make," she said. Yep, so why go to the effort on a day when I was already maxed out with everything else. Thanks McDonald's and Fry's for doing your part in making my kid's birthday a hit!
He blew out both candles on the first try. I guess there are only 2.
I turned to the kitchen to get bowls and spoons and Nathaniel went to get the ice cream. This is what I turned around to see. In the 5 seconds I was gone, he flew up on the table and Eliza tried to get the cake away from him, but he succeeded as you see. Caught red-handed, literally. I was so bummed I missed it on video. Those are moments you need the video to laugh at later since you have the mess to clean up either way.

Here is the chocolate strawberry crunch cake after Nathan smashed it. Still yummy though.
He actually attempted using silverware...
but only for a minute. Hey, it's his birthday. He could get away with anything, the little cutie.
The girls enjoying their cake that I did such a good job picking out. What a great mom I am. So thoughtful...
Even Tanner got in on the action. He got to hold the ice cream scoop. What a stinkin' cute kid he is. He is the BEST baby.
I let Nathan pick out his own toy. I took all of the kids out to Toys-R-Us and it was so funny to watch all of them. Their eyes lit up and they wanted to see and touch everything. Nathan picked out a toy that sings and talks and has a hammer that you can hit different shapes with. Is that cheating to let him pick it out himself? I thought it was genius because then I knew he would like it, and let me tell you, if it can hold his attention for more than 2 minutes, I'll take it! I sure do love my little man. He is still a snuggler and he is so adorable. He loves it when we sing to him and he will lead us in song at FHE. It is so cute. His latest thing is scolding Nathaniel and myself. He will shake his finger or head at us and call us bad. The kid doesn't talk, but he manages to get that out. He does leave off the d in bad, but we know what he's saying and it is so funny. He loves Tanner so much and tries to get him to hold onto toys. He is a little too rough and Tanner ends up crying but I cannot get Nathan to understand that it isn't helping him. He is just toooo loving.


Kelsey said...

Happy birthday Nathan! And congrats on getting your house on the market. Hope it sells at just the right time. Yummy cake!

Joanna said...

That cake looks so good!