Friday, January 11, 2013

Pretty Much Perfect

I have had one of those weeks where everything is just pretty much perfect.  We are healthy, the car runs, Nathaniel likes his job, the weather isn't bad, we have good friends and supportive family....(sigh) life is very good.  Now that trek is over we can focus on our other callings (teaching seminary and primary president) but remember and learn from what we just did.   I love experiences like the trek that make you realize what you love, what you miss, and what you should do to put priorities in order.  I didn't miss my phone, or netflix, or the computer (I'm not saying I don't enjoy them though).  I missed my baby's cheeks and the way they feel when I smother them with kisses.  I love the snuggles I get from Tanner when he wakes up from his nap.  I love the way Nathan feels the need to "taste test" everything yummy in the house.  I love that Kate is so spunky and her creative outfits always rock, I love how Eliza laughs when we are playing around and being silly.  I missed my kids, my warm bed, and my rice sock (I missed Tanner calling them bean stalks), flowing water, being clean, pants, and microwaves.  It made me very grateful for all that I have.  We aren't rich.  Our house isn't big or fancy, but we have enough.  My mom told me more than once that if all of your problems can be solved with money, then you have a good life.  I believe that is true.  We had a rough Dec. when it comes to being sick.  We got hit with the stomach bug and then shortly thereafter with a nasty case of the cold/flu.  It took a good 2 weeks to get over that.  Kate had high fevers of 104.5 for a few days.  It went through EVERYONE.  We are loving being well again.  You can't buy that with money.  We have the gospel in our life and we know it is true.  We have wonderful family far and near.  We have been laughing more and playing more and being silly with the kids.  We are taking advantage of little moments more.  I couldn't have been more richly blessed and I love it.  I have the most incredible husband and cutest little babies in the world.  Life right now is pretty much perfect...but I better sign off, my perfect children are fighting and throwing tantrums.

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Love you, glad all is well with you and your beautiful family!