Monday, January 7, 2013

Everything I missed

 I have been horrible in the blogging, I am doing a brief overview of everything (okay, just some things) I missed.  This is the first day of school.  August 8, 2012.  My kids have a dress code at their school.  Hence the no fancy or cute attire.

 Poor Kelsey and the abuse she takes.  The girls dolled her up in these letter stickers.  They stick so well that Kelsey cried when I took them off and she had red marks that were in the shapes of letters.  So cute, but so sad.

 She is just the cutest thing ever and I couldn't resist getting a picture of her in her new seat.  Of course this was months ago.
 Kate has a fashion sense all of her own.  She comes up with the BEST combinations.  This here is a swimsuit with a scarf used as a shawl/headdress.  Topped off with church shoes and sunglasses that no longer have the lenses.  Stunning!
 Tanner was really funny one morning and decided to stack his cereal instead of eat it.  I came into the kitchen after doing the girls hair for school and found his breakfast like this above.  He can be a little OCD at times. 
 We took at fun little farm field trip with Nancy and her homeschooler friends.  It was a day off school for my girls so it was a fun family day.
 Just because she is gorgeous!

(Laurel made this hat for her boys for Halloween while I was in Rexburg.  Her family was going to be Despicable Me.  She is so crafty!)
 In October, Laurel called me and told me that Chelsea was headed to Rexburg to visit mom and she was probably going too.  She told me I should come up.  I had a plane ticket I needed to use by the end of November so...2 days later I was in Rexburg with my mom and dad, grandma, Laurel and her kids, and Chelsea with 2 of her kids.  Of course Chad and Tricia live there.  My mother-in-law let me borrow her car to get to the airport and I can't thank her enough for that.  I am so grateful for her, Nancy and for my husband watching the kids so I could go see fam.  I think it is so fun to get to know my nieces and nephews.  I went to Nielsen's with Nate and Emily and got lemon custard (my favorite!).  I borrowed clothes from Chelsea and grandma (yes, my grandma is super hip and I borrowed a skirt from her for church), and make up from Laurel so I didn't have to pack as much. I LOVED every minute I was there.  The house looks so different than it did this summer.  It still amazes me how much it feels like home.  I love that house.  It is just perfect.
 Kelsey was my travel companion and everyone on the plane fell in love with her.  She is quite charming and adorable.

 My grandma made these hats and I brought them back for my kids.  Tanner has one that is green but he just jumped in the picture before he put it on.  The kids love them.
 The rare occasion that Nathan falls asleep.  He climbed into my bed and watched a "lay down movie" and didn't make it through the whole thing.
The girls had physicals and loved their "prom dresses" they got to wear.  We even brought them home.  They remind me so much of me and my sisters as kids.

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