Thursday, January 24, 2013

Mini Trek

 Saturday, Jan. 19th from 2-10 pm there was a stake pioneer mini trek.  It was really fun.  Nancy and I made bonnets and skirts for our girls.  Look at how adorable little Kelsey is in a bonnet!  Kate kept hers on all day.  They were soooo cute!
 A few family photos before we load into the carts.

(I just love that pioneer clothing adds 50 pounds to your waistline.  I do have jeans on under that.  I haven't let myself go that much!)
These are the same handcarts we used on the trek and the kids were very excited to get to do this activity.  They got to ride in the cart and they sang all the while.

 When we got there they had a parade of handcarts and Nancy went up front with the girls while Nathaniel made sure no one stuck their arms into the spokes of the wheel (just a little fear of mine).

 I love this picture of the girls helping from behind...and doesn't Tanner just look adorable in that hat Nana had made?!

 Next was games.  Nathaniel ran the stick pull for me and that was a huge help.  Here he is with our kids.  He was letting them feel like they had a chance...even Nana couldn't save them.

 Daddy didn't have quite the same luck with Dallin.
 Grandma Sorenson vs. Nana
Grandma Sorenson vs. Tanner...I think he had a chance!

There were other games, ice cream (gotta love the Lundreen's), dinner, a hoedown (which the girls LOVED!), and a video from the trek.  It was so fun to go, not just because I went on the trek, but because I am my mother's daughter and have a great love of all things pioneer.  I am glad I could share it with my kids.

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