Thursday, January 31, 2013


I just love Pollyanna.  She is my role model.  I want to be more positive like her.  My grandma is a Pollyanna.  I have had a stressful few days.  So, instead of focusing on the rotten stuff I was thinking that it would help me to remember the things that are making me happy.  
*When Juner threw up this morning, he made it to the toilet.  I love it when I don't have to scrub puke off the carpet.
*Because of the puking I knew we would not be heading out on the town today, I decided to let myself wear my lounge pants all day.  I never do that.  I'm a "let's get up and moving and get on with our day" kinda gal.  I don't hang out in my pjs all day.  I didn't even work out.  Serious slacking going on here and I am pretty okay with it.
 *Kelsey's bedhead this morning was AWESOME!  She had a high fever last night and she let me rock her for a couple of hours until she finally felt well enough to sleep.  Since she had been so sweaty, she had a major "bonus" in the morning.
 *Kelsey loves to watch the kids play outside.  When I came into the kitchen I found the kids playing with Kelsey through the window in the door.  Soooo cute!  She loved it.
 *Kelsey's little buns in those tight pants are too adorable!  I want to pinch her little cheeks all. day. long.  But I have other things that occupy my time besides bum pinching unfortunately.

 *Those happy blue eyes and her smile are so contagious.  I love them.  And that rainbow shirt is so stinkin' cute on her!
 *I love finding things that make Kelsey happy.  She can be slightly high maintenance at times.  Peek-a-boo is a favorite.  She has also discovered the piano and loves to pound on it.  Since I got it for a whopping $75, I am fine with her pounding on it.  I just don't have the time to let her sit on my lap all day to play on it.  So, I strap her in her booster and she can go to town.  Love it!

 *Daddy convinced me to increase our internet speed.  I do have to say it is nice to upload pictures and not have it take half an hour.  Kelsey was such a big helper with installing the new modem.
 *Have I ever mentioned how much I love Yuma winters?  The weather is great.  Farming is in the air.  This guy was in front of me going down a main road.  We passed several other tractors on the way home.  Seeing tractors (and the smell of them) remind me of my 5 summers on my aunt and uncle's tart cherry farm.  I have happy memories of those times.  I love to see different types of fruits and vegetables grown and harvested since then.  I LOVE seeing the lettuce fields.  I am glad that there are random fields all over town.  It makes me feel like we live in a small town and they remind me of the first time I came to Yuma to meet my husband's family.  I couldn't get over how cool the lettuce fields were (you don't see that in Washington where I grew up).  He thought I was crazy (he was right, but he married me anyway!).
 *I love that I get to stay home with these crazy boys.  Tanner climbed in bed with me yesterday morning and snuggled for a good 20 minutes.  Yay for sleeping in past 6 a.m.! Nathan is very into "Mom, take a picture of me doing this..."

 *I love how much Eliza loves to read.  She gets so excited when The Friend comes in the mail.  She made herself a "reading corner" and read the whole thing the day it came.
*I love my spunky little Kate.  She made me some colorful paper flowers that last far longer than real ones and were free.  Boy does she know how to get to my heart!

*I love that I have a supportive husband that is ever so patient and forgiving.  I sure married a good one.  I love that when I went visiting teaching last night the kids were in bed when I got home.
*I am happy that I am in good health.  It is hard to take care of others when you are not feeling well yourself.  (So in other words, it could be could be me that is sick.)
*I just smelled the double bubble Kate came home chewing and it reminded me of being a kid.  I had THE BEST childhood.  Nope, it's not up for debate.  I really did have the best time as a kid.  Hands down!  I didn't worry about bills, or fevers, or the size of my waistline then.  Which leads me into the next one...
*Last, but not least, I am grateful for the GF treats Nancy dropped off at my doorstep.  I already made (and ate) the brownies.  (Curse Bless you for knowing I can't resist GF treats!  At lease I can run it off tonight with Tyrel.) They are very tasty!  She takes such good care of me.

1 comment:

LoriAnn Grigg said...

Your Kids are TOO Cute. Wow, looking through your blog made me miss you guys way too much!!