Thursday, May 19, 2011

New PR

On Tuesday morning when I was running I set a new personal record. I ran a mile in less than 9 minutes. I haven't done that since 5th grade. It was only 10 seconds shy of 9 minutes, but I'll take it! All things were in my favor. The weather was nice, the terrain flat, and I was the only jogger. I love to pass people and with only walkers it helped me feel like I was going fast. It also may have something to do with the fact that Yuma is 138 feet above sea level and Ely was 6435 feet above it. I could actually breathe! I better get myself in gear now that I can breathe again.


LoriAnn Grigg said...

So You're going to do it???? Which one are you doing? Are you doing the one with me or the one in October????

By the way I LOVE the new photo above.

Laurel said...

Finally!!! An answer as to why I can't run... I'm too far above sea level. That has to be it, right?