Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hello, Sunshine!!!

Our first Arizona sunset on our drive down on April 15th. We were all excited about getting back to Arizona...even Tanner couldn't contain himself. I was just a giddy!
Barefoot, grass and sunshine! I missed you all.
Nancy, Brynn and I went and got pedicures. I loved every second of it.
Nathaniel did a mini triathlon. He swam 400 yards, biked 13 or 14 miles, and ran 2.8 miles. It was our first full day being here. He didn't get time to train at all.
He was a little tired, but he did really great.
Nathan's 3rd birthday was April 20th. We had a pool party at Nana and Papa's. It was fun to have all of that family in town for it. We haven't had family around for the kids' birthdays. That is going to be a bonus living in Yuma. Here is the birthday boy...
Cutie Kate with her fake smile.
Adorable birthday boy!
Love this face on Isaac! He is less than a month younger than Tanner. I think they are so cute together...I hope they are good buddies for life.
Tanner waiting for his cupcake.
That's better!
Nathan's cake face.
He loved the squirt guns. That's probably because he loves to torture his sisters.
Pretty Liza in the pool.
Nana and Papa's backyard looks amazing! It has so many pretty flowers all around. I loved these. The pink flowers they put in were perfect for the family wedding photos.
Daddy and a tired Tanner.
Mom and Dad got everyone rooms at a resort in San Diego for the wedding. We were all right next to each other or around the corner from each other. We all had a really good time. We had Girls' Night Out on Thursday night. It was so fun to be together with my Sisters and Mother-in-law. I sure love them. I am so excited to live here near some family.
Tanner didn't take to the grass and barefootedness as much as others. I loved his bare legs. I haven't seen so much skin on him in a long time. He is so little compared to my other babies.
Nathan had no problem. He's my Arizona boy. Last week he was doing snow angels...I much prefer this weather. It was heavenly!
Nathan opening a birthday card from Nana.
On our way to the pool. They looked like little ducks all in a row.
Our view from the observation tower at the resort. Gorgeous! I was sad we were so close to the beach and didn't go. We just ran out of time. Too many fun things to do.

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