Monday, May 16, 2011

Catching You Up

Nathaniel and I drove down to Yuma on April 15th planning to go hunting for a place to rent the first part of the week before the wedding plans kicked in. We went and looked at a couple of places on Saturday, but nothing really stood out. On Sunday, Nancy was talking to a friend in a different ward and she said they are moving out in August and we should go and look at their place. I did and I really liked it. It was also the best house for that price. It is a 4 bedroom place with a garage and nice little backyard. My favorite thing about the house is the kitchen. They redid it and it is very nice. Anyway, on Sunday night Nathaniel's mom said she was talking to someone in town (a friend of theirs who is a builder here) and he says we should buy a place with the market being the way it is. So we started in that direction on Monday and put an offer in before we left for San Diego on Thursday. We got back and looked at the house again on Monday and we changed our minds, withdrew our offer, and decided we didn't want to buy right now. It may be a good time to buy, we just need more time to find the right place. Nathaniel went back up to Ely on Easter/Our anniversary to finish up his last week of work and load up the truck to drive down on Friday. I had packed up and cleaned most of the house before I left knowing I wouldn't be coming back after the wedding. I went house hunting the next week looking for a place to rent. I didn't find anything that I loved as much as the Jarvis' place. So, I called the Jarvis' (Nancy's friend moving in August) and asked if we could nail down their place. We needed something for the 3 months in between though. We ended up doing a short-term contract in a 3 bedroom apartment about a mile from Nancy's and a couple from his parents. I like this area of town and I like being close to family. I am so excited to move into the Jarvis' place in the middle of August. I can't wait to have our own place that I can feel settled in. I can't wait for a yard, walk-in closet, decent kitchen and dining room. The ward seems very friendly. It is fun moving into a place where everyone knows the Sorenson family. I love going to church and having people say, "You're a Sorenson, aren't you? Which one are you married to?" It reminds me of my home ward where everyone knew the Richards' family.
We are loving being here. I get asked a lot if I am okay with living here. Let me answer that with a big YES! I am not here because my husband dragged me kicking and screaming, we are here because I love it here. I love the sun. I love being near family. I love the size of the town. I am happy that we will be able to call this home for a while, maybe forever. I never would have thought that would be the case 7 years ago when I got married. Funny how things change and turn out to be exactly what you want.

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