Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Little Blessings

One thing I hate about moving is the change in insurance. We have moved a lot and I always hate the time when all you have is your "filler" or "gap" insurance as I call it. We don't go without insurance because I am a worrier. I am one who likes to be prepared, or even overprepared. Nathaniel's work insurance went into effect this morning and I tell you I am relieved! I had to take Kate into the urgent care on Saturday because she had green goo coming out of her left ear. She had been complaining of ear pain for a few days, but didn't have a fever. We went to the river on Wed. and had a BBQ and swam and the next day she said she had water in her ears. She did have clear fluid draining from both ears. I gave her benedryl and hoped for the best. Well, luck only takes you so far and we ended up taking her in to the urgent care. The "gap" insurance had a large deductible and was basically only helpful if you were in need of hospitalization. So, we paid out of pocket. I was surprised it wasn't more expensive. It turns out it was only an ear infection and not a ruptured ear drum. We were blessed in Ely to never have to go to the doctor or ER for anything. Medical help there isn't great. So I figure one visit to the doctor that we had to pay for isn't bad. Well, Sat. night Eliza said she had a really sore throat and she threw up in the middle of the night. It got worse Sunday and even worse on Monday. At that point I thought she had strep again. I was feeling torn between waiting until Wed. when decent insurance kicked in and taking her in and paying out of pocket again. I didn't want to make her wait it out in pain, but I did want to see if we could wait just til the first of the month. So, Tuesday she actually looked better. She had more energy and wasn't in so much pain. Nathan is now down with it really bad. The good news is, I don't think it is strep or Eliza would be much worse than she is. She wouldn't have improved. If I would have taken her and Nathan into the urgent care, I would have paid a lot of money out of pocket for nothing. The doctor would have told me it was a virus and to just wait it out. I know it was a blessing both financially and physically for them to be getting better without medical intervention.

Today when I was at the chiropractor someone told me that my van had a flat tire. I was dreading the inconvenience and expense of that, but it just needed more air. That could have been worse.

When we lived in Ely we took Tanner in for a well baby check up and to get him caught up on his immunizations. I got a letter from insurance that said they were not going to cover $250 of it. I thought that was dumb for them to not cover a well child exam so I called and told them that. I waited for the bill from the clinic and it never came. We moved. I forgot about it. I remembered about it yesterday and called the clinic to pay them since I figured they lost track of me. They said I didn't owe them anything, insurance covered it all. That was a good surprise. Another blessing I didn't see coming my way.

I went in to pay our rent today and we had an unexpected $40 credit. Every little bit helps!

1 comment:

LoriAnn Grigg said...

Wow, blessings comming from all directions, you must be living righteously!! =)