Monday, May 16, 2011

Second First Day of Kindergarten

Lookin' so cute with her new haircut.
(No, she doesn't have to go to the bathroom, she was just being a little shy.)
Not many kids get to have 2 first days of kindergarten. Eliza is now at Suverkrup Elementary. We enrolled her in the district we will live in come August. She gets done June 9th or so and starts up again August 8th. What the heck? What happened to summer break? Anyway, she took it like a champ and was good about it. She is in AM again. She has a dress code so we had to buy a bunch of new shirts. She seems to like school so that is really good. I was worried about sending her for only 5 weeks, but I thought it would be good for her to get to know some of the kids for next year. She is doing so well reading. It amazes me. She is a smart little thing.
We found out Suverkrup is starting all day kindergarten next year. It is going to be nice to have the 2 girls going together. They will be able to look out for each other a little bit at recess and at lunch hopefully. It will be so strange to only have the 2 boys at home most of the day. I can't imagine what I'll do with myself.

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