Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ready for High School

This afternoon I took my girls to the city pool. We have never been before and I thought this would be a great time to go. It was a little too cold for the little guy since it is an outdoor pool, so he stayed home with Daddy (since he is on Spring Break). The girls and I had a lot of fun and then we had to pack things up. I was putting Kate's clothes on in the locker room and Eliza was right beside me...then she was gone. I knew she had to be close since there wasn't anyone else in the room and it had been like 10 seconds since I had seen her. I called her name and she responded quickly, but I couldn't see her. I called her name again and she answered, but I still couldn't see her. I said, "Eliza, you know the rule, I have to be able to see you." She said, "Mom, I can't get out of here." I looked around and saw movement in a nearby locker. She had shut herself in and couldn't get out. I thought it was pretty darn funny and so Kate tried to shut herself in while I got Eliza ready. You hear of people getting stuffed in lockers, but I didn't know it ever really happened.
(I know this picture has nothing to do with the post, but it just shows how random and imaginative she is. What a character!)


Joanna said...

Pool, swimming, yada yada, you just post stories like this to brag about your weather!

Laurel said...

How funny! So, the question is... would you rather her be the one to stuff others in the locker, or be the one stuffed in the locker? Maybe it can be like one of those defense mechanisms animals have. She can shove herself in the locker so no one else will!:)

Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

Haha,,, I have a hat just like that one!!!! I love it!

LoriAnn Grigg said...

So this comment has nothing to do with the post, although Eliza is very helarious and yes quite a character that's why we love her, But I just wanted to Thank you for the music you put on your post. It reminded Hallie this morning that we hadn't had our dance party. So your music gave us a new variety of music to dance to this morning. Thank goodness you added slow songs I was starting to break a sweat. he he =)