Sunday, March 1, 2009

My Baby's A Big Boy!

The other day Nathan decided he was a big boy and didn't need me anymore. He refused to nurse at all, and hasn't since. All overnight. He had never had an ounce of formula so I was surprised and relieved when he had no problem with that. He takes it from a sippy because he has no idea what a bottle is for. I can't believe I don't have my baby anymore...but there are some perks. I can wear dresses! I had to go out and buy a new dress since I don't really have any that fit since I haven't worn them in 4 1/2 years. I'm not kidding. I've been either pregnant or nursing for the last 4 1/2 year (except for 2 months between Kate and Nathan). I can also take medicine that isn't just Tylenol. Wow! What a new world.
I have to tell a funny story about the dress. See the blue belt? Nathaniel said he liked the dress, but didn't get the belt thing. I said it was to take attention off of the midsection since that is a trouble area for girls (especially women with several children). He said, "yeah, but so would a giant kick me sign but I didn't see you wearing one of those!" It was hilarious! Little smartypants.


LoriAnn Grigg said...

Wow!!! I love Your Dress! I'm soo glad you put a picture on your blog since I didn't get to see it in person.

LoriAnn Grigg said...

sorry it's me again but I had to tell you what Hallie said when she saw your picture on the blog. She said, " Oh look at Tennille. She has a dress. Tennille's pretty.!" So cute huh!

Laurel said...

Wow... You're a HOTTIE!!! Chad wanted me to tell you that we're each (he and I) gaining one pound for every pound you lose. He wanted you to know that you're behind.

Joanna said...

Wowzers, you look beautiful!

Susie's Journey said...

Tennille you do look Hot. Way to go girl! I miss running.