Wednesday, March 11, 2009

"Clothes Optional"

I swear there must be a sign posted somewhere that says "Clothes Optional". My kids have seen it. I, however have not. The girls have been into changing their clothes several times a day (super fantastic for me and my laundry duties). The problem is that in the midst of their changing from one outfit to another, they sometimes don't finish the process and end up in the buff. I haven't been pushing the issue too much because as long as they have clothes on when we leave so they are modest, it's not a battle I am willing to have at this point. Plus, it has helped Katelyn improve her self-help skills of dressing and undressing. She's becoming a pro!


The Santini Stew said...

They will come around- I was the same way!

Laurel said...

Let's be honest - who wants to wear clothes?