Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Jumpin' Bubba

I thought this was so cute I had to share it with you. He is just so stinkin' adorable I can't help myself. I take so many pictures of him. He is teething right now and the only thing that tipped me off (besides that fact that he is 11 months old and eventually has to get more than just the 2 he has in) is his diapers. I don't have to tell you what they are like because every mother knows them too well. He has been so fun and happy and hasn't been fussy or whiny at all. Count my blessings (and knock on wood). I don't what him to prove me wrong.
He was so protective this morning when I was at the chiropractor. When he started to adjust my neck, Nathan started crying like I have never heard him before. You could tell he was scared or worried, not just sad. He was getting more and more worked up until I was done with the visit. I went over to him and he had huge crocodile tears rolling down his face. He gave me a little smile when he saw that I was okay. Poor little guy, he thought he was witnessing his mother being abused. I won't bring him to those visits anymore.


The Santini Stew said...

Witnessing my dad with the chiropractor is what has cause me great anxiety and refusal to visit one myself! Bubba- I know where you are comin' from!

Laurel said...

That is so cute!! I love to see him in action. He's so happy!