Monday, March 9, 2009


I made the mistake of telling Eliza that we were going to go camping with Papa and her cousins. I don't know exactly when we are going to go, I just thought it would be fun and ran the idea past them. Since then, Eliza has been on my case about wanting to go. I am usually more intelligent and wait until the day of to tell her about something fun we have planned. I decided I needed to hold true to my word and take her "camping". She mostly wanted to sleep in a out of the garage it came and I set it up in the living room. Yes, that's right. That is my front door and my couch in the picture. The tent takes up the whole room, but I can't say I mind too much yet. The kids have been having a fantastic time and have behaved so well since they have something new to do. They have been reading stories, playing pretend, and we had our picnic lunch in there as well. I must say, there is something magical about waking up in a tent. So, tonight it looks like I'll be sleeping in the tent...or at least until the girls fall asleep and I can sneak into my cozy bed!


Kelsey said...

There is just something magical about sleeping in a tent! Camping is the greatest and I love that you set up the tent in your living room. And I totally understand about waiting to tell you kids things. I always wait until I am completely ready to go with Brinley in the carseat before I tell Levi we are going some place.

Brynn said...

Tennille you are such a great mom and you look great while doing it too! You have inspired me to get back on the treadmill and run some more races! Thanks for the inspiration!

Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

What a cute idea!!!!! I will have to do that with my kidos!

Joanna said...

So is a tent as good as a fort??

Susie's Journey said...

Oh we just did this same thing two weekends ago. My kids love it too! We even cooked our hotdogs and marshmallows in our fireplace. I never have my camera out. You're so on top of things Tennille.