Thursday, March 12, 2009

Is this a telescope?

I was tired this afternoon and was trying to find something that would entertain Eliza while I could take a break and relax. Eliza wanted to act out a book we had read recently. It's about a girl getting her tonsils out. She was the doctor and I was the patient. I was laying down with my eyes closed (since I was "sick") and she went and rifled through my purse and said, "open your mouth." I opened my eyes to see what she was going to stick in my mouth and low and behold...a tampon! I laughed and asked her to put it back. She, of course, wanted to know what it was. I told her it wasn't a tongue depressor but it was for grown up girls. She said, "is this a telescope?" Where did she come up with that? Yeah, I'm just trying to hide a really cool toy from you.

Later this evening, I found Katelyn playing with the same tampon from my purse (it's getting the rounds). I asked her what she had. She said, "this is my carrot!" What imaginations my girls have for such a mundane thing like that. I remember when my brothers were little, they thought they were guns. You can see where they were coming from, you can shoot things out of them.


Laurel said...

SO FUNNY!! I guess you should be grateful she didn't make rubberband guns out of them, or use them as a scripture book mark.

Joanna said...

At least she didn't do it at the real doctors office right?

Kelsey said...

I remember Ben and Tanner with the tampons... too funny! Very imaginative girls. I love it.

Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

lol that's funny! One time, my younger brother had to use a public girls bathroom for whatever reason,,, but when he came out he was astonished that girls had to pay money for their 'napkins' lol!!

Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

By the way,, will you send Laruel a note asking if I can be invited to her blog???? please?? lol my email is