Thursday, March 12, 2009

Goose Chase

Today a friend and I took our kids to the park. We let the kids play on the toys and then took them to feed the ducks. After we did that we were walking around the little pond and Eliza ran ahead a little. She was still close enough that I didn't worry, but I noticed a lady nearby trying to get her to come back to the path and away from the geese. I have never been a fan of geese because they are mean little creatures at times. Well, this was one of those times. Eliza had seen a big, white goose sitting on the ground. What she didn't know is that it was sitting on a nest with an egg in it. The other geese were trying to protect it and were getting feisty. I finally realized the lady was trying to help Eliza (before I was wondering why she was trying to parent her when I was right there) so she wouldn't get attacked. I started to call to Eliza, but she just stood there frozen. I called a little more urgently so she would know I meant it. She is usually pretty good about listening, especially when we are out at the park, because she knows I will take them home if they don't. She still wouldn't move. I started to run to her and she finally started to move... not quickly enough. The goose was right on her heels. I was yelling, "run, run!" She just couldn't stop looking behind her when she was running, therefore slowing her down. (I would have a hard time looking forward, too, if there was a bird almost as big as me right at my heals!) Sure enough, it got her upper thigh and scared the poor girl to death. She practically jumped into my arms and said, "I want to go home". I wanted to kick the bird, but I was just mad because he hurt my little one. I had to remind myself that he was just trying to protect his little one. It is such a natural instinct to want to protect your children. I love to be a mother and have them want YOU when they are sad, hurt, sick, or in need. They just trust that you will be able to make everything better. They feel safe with Mom. I LOVE that!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

I can totally picture the whole thing going down. That's so funny! (now that we know Eliza is fine). I also love your new background.