Thursday, March 5, 2009

8 Miles and Counting!

We did it!!! Tonight we (Megan, Lori and I) tried a new trail and finished 8 miles! We are on our way to that half-marathon. Those first 2 miles are always hard for me. My body and my mind argue every time I start running. My body is saying, "You are tired, you don't need to do this. Just run a little and then stop. What are you trying to prove?" My mind thankfully is stronger and says, "Do it!!! Prove it to yourself if not to everyone else that you are able to do it." After those first two miles and my body has gone into auto pilot, I really enjoy myself. I should say, I really enjoy myself when I have company. Without the other girls, it wouldn't be as fun. Running is such a great release for me in all aspects. It is a great physical/stress reliever, a social outlet (since I have the girls to talk to), and emotionally cleansing. It is liberating to go out and accomplish something you didn't think you could just a few months ago!


Laurel said...

AWESOME! Keep it up!

LoriAnn Grigg said...

that's false advertising. I didn't do the whole 8 miles. But I will next time =)! Thanks for you great example it keeps me going!

LoriAnn Grigg said...

Hey tennille I'm hopeing you see this before tonight. I don't have a phone at the moment. It's being hooked up at the new house but a lot of good that does me while i'm stuck at the old place with no car. =)
Any ways I wanted to know if the girls and I could come say hi tonight during the move. Last time Hallie freaked out. She thought all the boys were taking away her things, and that she'd never get them back. I emailed you. But I thought I'd post on your blog too. Hopefully I can catch you somehow.
If you're already busy that's okay too. See ya

The Kogans said...

You are so thin! Sheesh I wish I was on it like that. Good for you. Maybe I should start training for a half marathon too!

Danielle said...

Good for you! Just thinking of running makes me hurt! Remember back to 0 hour PE, and running the mile? You would totally kick my butt now! Go girl!