Monday, March 30, 2009
My Boys
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Jumpin' Bubba
I thought this was so cute I had to share it with you. He is just so stinkin' adorable I can't help myself. I take so many pictures of him. He is teething right now and the only thing that tipped me off (besides that fact that he is 11 months old and eventually has to get more than just the 2 he has in) is his diapers. I don't have to tell you what they are like because every mother knows them too well. He has been so fun and happy and hasn't been fussy or whiny at all. Count my blessings (and knock on wood). I don't what him to prove me wrong.
He was so protective this morning when I was at the chiropractor. When he started to adjust my neck, Nathan started crying like I have never heard him before. You could tell he was scared or worried, not just sad. He was getting more and more worked up until I was done with the visit. I went over to him and he had huge crocodile tears rolling down his face. He gave me a little smile when he saw that I was okay. Poor little guy, he thought he was witnessing his mother being abused. I won't bring him to those visits anymore.
He was so protective this morning when I was at the chiropractor. When he started to adjust my neck, Nathan started crying like I have never heard him before. You could tell he was scared or worried, not just sad. He was getting more and more worked up until I was done with the visit. I went over to him and he had huge crocodile tears rolling down his face. He gave me a little smile when he saw that I was okay. Poor little guy, he thought he was witnessing his mother being abused. I won't bring him to those visits anymore.
Who's going to make fun of Mom with me?
P.S. See what I mean about Kate never keeping clothes on...
New Toy
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Ready for High School
(I know this picture has nothing to do with the post, but it just shows how random and imaginative she is. What a character!)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Reaching New Heights...or Distances at Least
Megan and I ran a whopping 10 miles tonight!!! We averaged 10 1/2 minute miles, and quite frankly, I'm darn proud of that. Earlier this week I did 3 miles and averaged 9.2 minute miles, so I know my interval training is working. (I'm that runner out there that runs with a stop watch because I like to know how I do and try to improve something every time I run, whether it be my time or my distance.) I love the way I get goose bumps my last 1/2 mile and the adrenaline kicks in and I get this "runner's high". I never thought I would know what that felt like, but it's exhilarating!!! Megan and I always have to sprint the last tenth or two tenths of our run. It's our way of finishing the deal. I couldn't do it without her. That's for sure and for certain!
(Sorry for the horn tooting...I'm just really excited we did it!)
(Sorry for the horn tooting...I'm just really excited we did it!)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Is this a telescope?
I was tired this afternoon and was trying to find something that would entertain Eliza while I could take a break and relax. Eliza wanted to act out a book we had read recently. It's about a girl getting her tonsils out. She was the doctor and I was the patient. I was laying down with my eyes closed (since I was "sick") and she went and rifled through my purse and said, "open your mouth." I opened my eyes to see what she was going to stick in my mouth and low and behold...a tampon! I laughed and asked her to put it back. She, of course, wanted to know what it was. I told her it wasn't a tongue depressor but it was for grown up girls. She said, "is this a telescope?" Where did she come up with that? Yeah, I'm just trying to hide a really cool toy from you.
Later this evening, I found Katelyn playing with the same tampon from my purse (it's getting the rounds). I asked her what she had. She said, "this is my carrot!" What imaginations my girls have for such a mundane thing like that. I remember when my brothers were little, they thought they were guns. You can see where they were coming from, you can shoot things out of them.
Later this evening, I found Katelyn playing with the same tampon from my purse (it's getting the rounds). I asked her what she had. She said, "this is my carrot!" What imaginations my girls have for such a mundane thing like that. I remember when my brothers were little, they thought they were guns. You can see where they were coming from, you can shoot things out of them.
Goose Chase
Today a friend and I took our kids to the park. We let the kids play on the toys and then took them to feed the ducks. After we did that we were walking around the little pond and Eliza ran ahead a little. She was still close enough that I didn't worry, but I noticed a lady nearby trying to get her to come back to the path and away from the geese. I have never been a fan of geese because they are mean little creatures at times. Well, this was one of those times. Eliza had seen a big, white goose sitting on the ground. What she didn't know is that it was sitting on a nest with an egg in it. The other geese were trying to protect it and were getting feisty. I finally realized the lady was trying to help Eliza (before I was wondering why she was trying to parent her when I was right there) so she wouldn't get attacked. I started to call to Eliza, but she just stood there frozen. I called a little more urgently so she would know I meant it. She is usually pretty good about listening, especially when we are out at the park, because she knows I will take them home if they don't. She still wouldn't move. I started to run to her and she finally started to move... not quickly enough. The goose was right on her heels. I was yelling, "run, run!" She just couldn't stop looking behind her when she was running, therefore slowing her down. (I would have a hard time looking forward, too, if there was a bird almost as big as me right at my heals!) Sure enough, it got her upper thigh and scared the poor girl to death. She practically jumped into my arms and said, "I want to go home". I wanted to kick the bird, but I was just mad because he hurt my little one. I had to remind myself that he was just trying to protect his little one. It is such a natural instinct to want to protect your children. I love to be a mother and have them want YOU when they are sad, hurt, sick, or in need. They just trust that you will be able to make everything better. They feel safe with Mom. I LOVE that!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
"Clothes Optional"
I swear there must be a sign posted somewhere that says "Clothes Optional". My kids have seen it. I, however have not. The girls have been into changing their clothes several times a day (super fantastic for me and my laundry duties). The problem is that in the midst of their changing from one outfit to another, they sometimes don't finish the process and end up in the buff. I haven't been pushing the issue too much because as long as they have clothes on when we leave so they are modest, it's not a battle I am willing to have at this point. Plus, it has helped Katelyn improve her self-help skills of dressing and undressing. She's becoming a pro!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
8 Miles and Counting!
We did it!!! Tonight we (Megan, Lori and I) tried a new trail and finished 8 miles! We are on our way to that half-marathon. Those first 2 miles are always hard for me. My body and my mind argue every time I start running. My body is saying, "You are tired, you don't need to do this. Just run a little and then stop. What are you trying to prove?" My mind thankfully is stronger and says, "Do it!!! Prove it to yourself if not to everyone else that you are able to do it." After those first two miles and my body has gone into auto pilot, I really enjoy myself. I should say, I really enjoy myself when I have company. Without the other girls, it wouldn't be as fun. Running is such a great release for me in all aspects. It is a great physical/stress reliever, a social outlet (since I have the girls to talk to), and emotionally cleansing. It is liberating to go out and accomplish something you didn't think you could just a few months ago!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Getting Hot Down Here...
Well, it's March already so we had to break out the pool. We needed to last week since it got up to 90, but swimming in Feb. in a bit much. We are already wearing shorts and t-shirts and I am wanting to turn on the A/C, but can't yet because it is only March! It is beautiful to go play outside, especially in the morning and early evening. This is why people move here!
What a Cutie!!!
This is Nathan's favorite thing to do. Get into everything. He has become very clever. His little smile and laugh keep him out of trouble, that's for sure! (There are rubberbands holding the knobs together. It's my attempt at child-proofing.)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
My Baby's A Big Boy!
I have to tell a funny story about the dress. See the blue belt? Nathaniel said he liked the dress, but didn't get the belt thing. I said it was to take attention off of the midsection since that is a trouble area for girls (especially women with several children). He said, "yeah, but so would a giant kick me sign but I didn't see you wearing one of those!" It was hilarious! Little smartypants.
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