Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sisterly love

Kate and Liza are the best of friends, just like I am with my sisters. But you can ask Brianne, my youngest sister, and she'll tell you we had a few minor fights as youngsters. They were over in seconds and we were playing together again in no time. Well, last night Kate and Liza were taking a bath together and Eliza got mad at Kate for something and she pushed Kate...right into the faucet. I grabbed Kate and was hugging her and she kept saying, "Owie, owie!" I turned her around and she had blood covering a section of her head. I know head wounds bleed a lot and they aren't usually as bad as they appear, so I grabbed the yarrow (an essential oil I don't leave home without. It helps with bleeding and helping blood to clot quickly) and gave her a little in her mouth and a drop or two on her head and wallah! No more bleeding. It stopped instantly! (The yarrow is blue, it isn't bruising.) Man I love that stuff. I think every mom should have at least one bottle of it.
The funny part of this story is when Eliza saw the look on my face and the blood on her sister's head, she immediately covered her bottom. She knew she had done something really wrong. She felt sooo bad. Hopefully she'll be more careful in the future.

1 comment:

Laurel said...

I bet Kate will never let Eliza live that down - just like Brianne with the Lysol to the eyes. Come on, get over it already! Just kidding, Bri!