Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Incredible Husband

I adore my husband as every wife should. He is the best. One of the things I love about him is the way he interacts with the kids. He is so creative and funny. The girls' were having a hard time going to bed because they were scared. Nathaniel gave them each an empty water bottle and told them they were "bonkers" and that if monsters came to get them they should bonk them on the nose because that's where it hurts the most. Where did he come up with that one? I don't know, but it worked and they slept with their "bonkers" for months. Another time, we were driving up to Phoenix to meet Nathaniel's brother and his family. The girls' have cousins their age that they LOVE seeing. They were getting restless in the car, so Nathaniel tells them we need to practice our "getting ready to see the cousins exercises". He had them hold each others hand, practice hugging, sharing (which meant passing a sippy back and forth), using nice/polite words, smiling, etc. It was so cute.

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