Sunday, February 22, 2009

Diaper Changing- The Olympic Sport

My kids are lousy when it comes to letting me change their diapers. It seems strange that they would rather sit in their own filth rather than take a 30 sec. break to let me fix them up. Nathan flips around like a fish out of water and has gotten out of my grasp several times after the wiping phase as I am getting the new diaper out. He then crawls as super sonic speed with his cute little cheekers mooning me. I have to admit that does make me laugh, but I don't get why something as "simple" and "easy" as changing a diaper can become such an ordeal. I end up making a fool of myself trying to make different sounds and faces trying to keep his attention forward and not down the hall.
Kate on the other hand I have to threaten her life just to get her to cooperate. She will deny that she is dirty even after I have checked her. She will choose time-out regularly rather than changing her diaper when I ask her to come. She knows that she will have to get it changed as soon as she is out, but would rather have it delayed in any way. Weird! When Nathaniel is home we try to tag team and distract the children with their favorites. For Nathan it is Nathaniel's keys and for Kate it is usually an m & m. But hey whatever gets the job done without a hassle works for me!

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