Friday, February 6, 2009

Tagged...I'm it...Now you are!

The other day a friend of mine tagged me and said I was supposed to list 10 honest things about myself. I started to try to think of things that make me, well, me. I have never thought much about nailing down the things that make me an individual, not a mom or a wife, but just me as Tennille. So here goes...
1. My favorite pair of jeans is at least 8 years old. I don't think I will ever be able to get rid of them even though they don't fit really well anymore (I can pull them off without undoing them).
2. Before September I couldn't run a whole mile without stopping. Now, thanks to Megan (for encouraging me and telling me I could totally do it and for going with me), Lori (for accompanying me on my runs), and Nathaniel (for support and watching the kids) I am up to 6 straight miles and working up to a half-marathon.
3. I am a very fast eater. I think it is a combination of 2 things. I love food and somehow think that inhaling it will give me more satisfaction, and since having kids I think that if I don't shovel it in I will be interrupted and have to wait until who knows when to finish.
4. I love to play games to make life more interesting. Games in the car (doubles, alphabet, I spy, playing DJ with the music, singing as off key as possible, making up your own words to the song, etc.), making my husband tell me something new about him before he goes to bed at night, name the movie the quote is from, and other random games.
5. I love to sleep. I think napping is such a treat. I get excited anytime I think I will get to partake of such wonderfulness. One of my favorite things is to get into bed at night all nice and cozy and just relax. The day is done and you get to relive the good times in your mind and whatever didn't get done can wait.
6. I make my husband kiss me on the doorstep after we go on a date. It reminds me of when we were dating and everything was new and exciting. I wouldn't trade our relationship now for that, but I love the way it makes me tingle still.
7. I look forward to having my sister, Laurel, call me everyday. I never tire of talking to her, even if it is at least once a day. It's a highlight to me.
8. I like to have toothbrushing parties. This is just brushing you teeth along with someone else or a couple of others. I did it all of the time with my roommates and now if I see Nathaniel brushing his teeth I try to hurry and do it at the same time because I think it is so much more fun to do it together. My kids are just like me and want to brush their teeth whenever they see me doing it. See, it is more fun!
9. I rarely pay full price for anything. I have no problem shopping at second hand stores, hitting sales at regular stores, or going to garage sales. It's like a challenge to me to try to find cute stuff while paying half of what everyone else did.
10. A few of my favorites... Color-Red. Number-3. Treat-Sweet's Brand Cinnamon Bears. Foods- Cafe Rio Pork, Outback's Alice Springs Chicken, Red Robin's Fries, and most recently Brazilian Lemonade. Hairdo-ponytail (that is since I've had kids). Girls' night. Hot baths. Thunder and lightening storms (especially with a short power outage). Babies Hands. Firsts (first time doing something new). Game nights. Nicknames. And my husband winking at me.

If you read this, I want you to do the same and list 10 honest things about yourself. Things that make you who you are. Hopefully it will be fun and remind yourself of little things that make you an individual. (Not that there is anything better than being a wife and mother.)


Laurel said...

I Love that!!! You made me laugh and cry all at once. I even learned a few new things about you. Check out Kelsey's, It looks like fun, too.

LoriAnn Grigg said...

Wow, I learned a lot about you! You did such a good job, I think I need to re-do mine! Thanks for the inspiration!