Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Fun Day

This picture was supposed to be last. This was his first sandbox experience. I tried to intercept the handfulls of sand to the mouth, but I was holding the camera trying to get a cute picture when he did this one. I kept pushing his hands away from his mouth, so he crawled off and I thought, "oh good, he's given up on trying to eat the sand." Hardly, he crawled forward a foot or two and then intentionally face planted with his mouth open to get the sand in. Needless to say, it wasn't what he was expecting. Hilarious though!

We go to the Tucson zoo frequently and the kids were funny this time. They paid no attention to the animals but were fascinated with the statues, benches, and plants. Maybe we go too much?!
Nathaniel built this sandbox for the kids when we moved in. Nathan loves it!!! Do you love Kate's bedhead?
He is growing taller so he is thinning's true, but no one believes me. What a cute little chunker though!


Laurel said...

Those pictures are so cute! It is fun to watch your kids grow. Our zoo has more statues and benches than animals. Maybe your kids would like it. Just Kidding. I wouldn't mind trading. The kids don't quite get excited about the deer, horses and ducks we have at our zoo. Go figure!
I love your new background. You inspired me to get a new one.

Joanna said...

Isn't it so fun to be Mom and be able to do things like that for a living?