Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Out of the mouth of babes...

Yesterday was free Grand Slam breakfast day at Denny's. We loaded the family and went down to the nearest Denny's and waited with a good sized crowd to take advantage of this deal. There was a young guy standing next to Eliza with his pants sagging and his shorts showing underneath (luckily they were shorts and not something else). His behind was right at her eye level and she points to it and says, "Mom, he needs to pull up his pants. He's not being modest." I started laughing a little and then had to talk to her about how we do the best we can to follow what we know is right and do those things that would make Heavenly Father happy with us even if other people don't do those things. We have been talking to her a lot about modesty and things that are/aren't good for our bodies, so I was proud of her for understanding it in real life.
Kate pointed out another time the "bad girl" who was smoking. I had to tell her she wasn't a "bad girl" she was just making a bad choice. The girls always point out people smoking in their cars and say, "that's bad, huh Mommy!"
In church the other week Eliza looked behind us, pointed at an older lady and said, "look, Mom, why is that lady's hair funny?" I tried to shhh her while stifling a laugh, but she wouldn't let it go. I tried to distract her, but she wasn't having it. The lady says to her husband, "what did she say?" Nathaniel and I got a kick out of that one! Our kids are at that age where they just say things and you smile (not sure of how to rectify the situation) and hope people are forgiving and understanding or that they have a good sense of humor!


LoriAnn Grigg said...

That's awesome! And Eliza is right, that boy did need to pull up his pants!! there's nothing worse than saggy drawers!

Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

lol that's soooo funny!!! We were in walmart the other day, and Alexis was getting restless, and an old gentleman walked by and alexis screamed and ducked under what I was looking at and said... "Augh, mommy, stranger" The guy just laughed and said,, I am pretty scary looking. I felt bad. All I could say was,, "It's ok Alexis cause mommy is right here with you" Kids are funny!

Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

T- I am the same way with scary movies!! It must be a 'mom thing'. Anyway, YES you will be fine watching it!!! It is suspensful, but not 'scary' it's also a somewhat feel-good movie. You will enjoy it!