Sunday, February 22, 2009

Now that's gross!

Babies are infamous for getting into things they should not. Here is Nathan playing in the trash drawer. If I leave it open even a crack, he can pull it open and then crawl inside. He got stuck in there last week. I thought it was so funny that I grabbed my camera and had to get a picture. I figured I could wash him up, a little garbage is no big deal, right?
Well, today I was picking up the house and heard some laughing coming from the kids' bathroom. That is never a good sign! I hurried down the hall and found Nathan with his head below the rim of the toilet (above water of course) with both hands in the water and having a grand ol' time splashing and laughing. Kate was right next to him with one hand in splashing and the other hand had a toy in it that she was using like a car to drive over the back of the toilet. Pretty nasty, huh? The bigger problem was that Liza doesn't believe you need to flush unless you poop, so yes, the water had been compromised! Needless to say, I grabbed soap and gave a quick scrub down in the sink and had to stifle a laugh as to not encourage Kate to repeat the offense. I may leave my kid playing in the trash to get a picture, but I didn't leave him playing in the toilet pee water to get one...that's where I draw the line! (I did get this picture of the guilty ones right after it happened. Kate was trying to dance with her "prince".)


The Santini Stew said...

Your kids are so cute!

Brynn said...

Didn't you just have him like yesterday! Yeah, because I only had Neve a few months ago..... EIGHTEEN months ago. They need to stop growing so fast!!!!!