Monday, September 13, 2010

Quick Summary

This is the park by Eliza's school. It is so nice. This is us there on our first full day in town (Thursday). When we pulled up there were a few ladies there and Nathaniel said he thought it was probably a playgroup of LDS ladies. He was right. As I sat down to make sandwiches for lunch, a lady came up and asked me if I was by chance Tennille Sorenson. To which I replied, "Wow, this is a small town." She turned out to be Lori, a lady I had talked to on the phone when I couldn't get in touch with our bishop and wanted to get help on the Ely end of unloading the truck. Her husband is the 1st counselor in the bishopric. Funny that she was the first person we randomly run into at the park. She has been so good us. She brought us dinner that night. The funny thing is she reminds me of my friend, Lori, from Tucson. It's kind of comfortable and familiar with her because of that.

Just playing around with Tanner while unpacking. Eliza and I thought we should see how well Tanner fit into the doll stroller. Not too bad...and super adorable.
Daddy was reading the kids a story as they laid in our bed. It was so cute. Kate and Nathan both had their blanket/shirt and were sucking on their fingers while Liza played with her fidget string. My kids as they really are.
My little cute in a hoodie. Love it!
Kate wears the most random clothing. I mean snowboots, swimsuit, and the bow I made her for Matthew's wedding. What a combo. She's missing Arizona with the swimsuit, embracing Ely with the snowboots, and has a little bit of fancy with the hair bow. You can see the black eye too.
Eliza on her first day of kindergarten. So beautiful and grown up. I tried hard not to cry the first day. I did cry on the first day she rode the bus (the 3rd day of school). That was hard to send her out into the world. She was nervous about all of the big kids on the bus.

Kate wanted to come with us when I dropped her off at her classroom. Then she wanted to stay. It is so hard for her to see Eliza doing something that she can't be a part of.
Tanner's first swing experience. Kate was on the other side. Eliza and Kate were fighting over who got Tanner on their swing. Size won. Isn't he sooo cute? I love that smile.
Eliza being held up by Daddy at the park.
That's called grass, son. We haven't seen "real" grass as I call it in a long time.
The Nathaniel's having a race. I'm not sure who won. How do you gauge that?
The artist and the masterpiece.
I had turned my head for 10 seconds to help Nathan with the pen he broke and I hear, "Mom, Tanner's wearing purple makeup!" Poor kid, he puts up with so much.
Daddy on his first day of work. Eliza's second week of school. He walks her to the bus and then continues on to the courthouse. It is about half a mile maybe a little more from our house to work. He comes home most days for lunch. I love it. We may not have the white picket fence, but my husband can walk home for lunch. That's pretty perfect.
I love these pictures. Daddy with his briefcase and Liza with her backpack hand in hand. I have looked forward to these pictures for years. I cried a little and watched them walk all the way down the street together.

Matchy matchy green squared (name that movie, Bri). Eliza has color days at school. Today was green day and we picked out Eliza's outfit last night. This morning when Kate got up she picked out an outfit that was identical to Eliza's. I thought it was sooo sweet. She wants to be just like Eliza. I want them to be best friends like I am with my sisters.
I think this picture is so cute of my kids. They are my whole world.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Oh my goodness, so many cute pictures I just can't even decide which ones I was gonna comment on. The grass! Love it miss it! School pics - Eliza really does look so grown up. The hoodie - oh Tanner is so adorable (and the swing picture too). Too many great pictures. What a fun time in life!!!