Monday, September 13, 2010


The exercise room (room to the left off of the entry from the front door, beside the living room)
The story of moving is soooooo long that I'll post pictures of my house and tell the story later.
View of the living room from the entry. I bought this rug for $55 on ebay and I LOVE IT!
This is the view of the living room from the recliner. The door with the backpack (off to the right) is to the entry, the other door (straight ahead) is into the kitchen. Tanner's room is off to the left. His door is between the around-we-go toy and the loveseat.
This is the mini hall that looks into the bathroom. To the left of the bathroom is Nathan's room, to the right of the bathroom is the stairway to the girls room and toy room upstairs.
The kitchen/dining room. Can you see the white buckets at the table? We didn't have room to go around the table when there were chairs on that side of the table.
Looking into the entry from the living room. From this view the exercise room is the door to the right and my bedroom is the door to the left which you can't really see. (You can see the rug doctor off to the side. We've become really good friends since we moved in.)
Storage room. This is in the back of the house opposite of Nathan's room. Same side of the house as the kitchen. I loaded up on food in Tucson. Nathaniel, his Dad, brother Quentin and Kurt (from Ely) all hate me I'm sure for making them move all of this food into the house.
This is the view from the storage room looking down the hall into the kitchen. Off to the right are storage cupboards. One is full of food and the other coats. To the left is the bathroom that we use since the other one only has a tub and a sink that doesn't drain. Eliza is in my bedroom doorway. It is in a really unusual place. It is right off of the entry opposite the exercise room and you can go into my room from the kitchen as well.
Our bathroom/laundry room.
This is the view from the front door of our house. That's our van out front.
This is the front of our house.
This is the front of our neighbor, Ernie's house. Nice, isn't it?
This is off to the other side- Joe's. Both of our neighbors have very nice houses. I don't know how we got right in between them.
Street view looking to Ernie's side (and toward the brothel.)
Street view looking the other direction. Liza's bus stop is right out there kinda by that truck in the middle of the way there.
Liza and Kate's room. Mom and I made these quilts back when Nathan was a baby. I love them.
The toy room with the other rug I bought.
The door from the kitchen into the mud room.

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