Monday, September 13, 2010

Tooth Fairy Times

You've always heard people talk about the ol' tie the dental floss around a doorknob and slam the door method, right? Well, it's very effective. We were over in Yuma visiting Nancy's family on Aug. 7th and while Nathaniel and Quentin were at the Alumni Swim Meet, Eliza and I decided it was time for that tooth to go. She must have done something to it that day to make it even more loose so I decided that even before she could eat lunch we needed it out. Nathaniel isn't a huge fan of pulling teeth so we thought it would be a fun surprise for him to come home to. Nancy got us the floss and I was a little nervous, but once it was tied to the tooth (the tooth was so loose I could hook the floss under the back side where it was coming out) there wasn't any way to get the floss off other than to get the tooth out. When I slammed the door I didn't think it had come out because she had no reaction whatsoever so I was dreading having to do it again. Not because it hurt her obviously, but because I was a little scared. But then she started moving her tongue around in her mouth and she spit out her tooth. It was so funny. She had quite the audience. All of Nancy's kids as well as all of mine were there to cheer her on. Luckily the Tooth Fairy knew we were out of town and came to see her at Nancy's and left her a buck. Eliza said she was hoping she would have left treats. I told her the Tooth Fairy doesn't want to ruin her other teeth.
Then, less than a month later, we are here in Ely unpacking on our first Sat. (the 28th of Aug.) and the other bottom tooth needs to come out, so... second verse, same as the first. I was very happy we got both of them out. She already had the replacements coming in behind the baby teeth so it looked a little awkward and picture day was the next week. How vain am I? Anyway, she looks SO grown up now with 2 permanent teeth in and she hadn't even started school yet. What a big girl!
Side not: There were no tears shed at either pulling...that's more than I can say for my own childhood. Papa did want to get the pliers out for the second tooth (around the 12th) but I wouldn't let him, I told him it just wasn't quite ready. It must be that generation. That's how I lost most of my teeth.
You can kinda see the teeth coming in behind the row of baby teeth.
The surprise to show Daddy when he got home.
P.S. He was happy he didn't have to take part in either occurrence.

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