Monday, September 13, 2010

Farewell Arizona...Hello Ely

We saw this as we were packing up to leave Arizona. (Just outside Nancy's house) It was like a farewell present. It hardly ever rains in Yuma so it was unusual. Our last full day in Arizona was 118 degrees and like 300% humidity...okay, so not really that humid...but it felt like it as I packed the car. I do love you though Arizona in spite of these things.
The courthouse where Nathaniel works. It is 100 years old. It is a very stereotypical old courthouse. I love it.
My handsome husband on his first day of training. He thinks I'm a little too trigger happy with the camera.
This is the steam train that goes right past our house (well, one street up).You can go for a ride for a small fortune of $24 a person. Not going to happen! Nathan LOVES to hear the train whistle. He imitates it all of the time. He is very animated when he does it. We have to remind him to not be quite so loud when he does it.
This is right by the train depot.
This is the local paper. I was well versed with the "for rent" part of the Ely Times long before I ever came here.
This is the main road here.
This is the only grocery store. They have Sweet's brand cinnamon bears and Western Family brand. It is home! The first time I walked in to the store the first thing I saw was snow shovels and I started to smile. I haven't seen snow shovels in 3 years. Next I saw camouflage onesies. Yep, not in Tucson anymore. But, they made me smile too. I almost bought one for Laurel's little girl. They had ones with pink lace. I thought that would be funny...but I had a hard time shelling out $6.50 for a onesie.
This is just before you turn the corner and see this...
That is the sign that says Welcome to Ely. You blink and you miss it...and you probably run out of gas 'cause there's no other place to fill up for hours.
The stop light as you come into town. Yep, this is "in town"
Nothing like McDonald's to make you feel like it's home. Our first night here we went to McDonald's and since they are all so similar it didn't seem so different.
Eliza's school.

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