Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Summer of Fun

Nathaniel, JD, Megan and I have officially declared it the Summer of Fun. There have been a few late night playing Settlers of Catan Cities and Knights lately and I'm guessing it is only the beginning. I sure do love those guys. JD is in the same year of law school as Nathaniel and Megan teaches so she is done for the summer. We don't get opportunities like this everyday, so we are trying to live it up while we can before our husbands graduate law school and have to take the bar and get real jobs. As for now, the kids and I are loving life and enjoying every minute we get with Daddy. Nathaniel and I are loving every minute we get to spend with the Santini's. It's hard to believe that in a year school will be over and real life begins. I'm glad to say that I will miss this. That obviously means things are good and we are happy.

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