Sunday, June 14, 2009


On Saturday was Eliza's second ballet class. I had such a hard time last time leaving Kate and seeing her crying as we left that I decided to bring her with us this time. We got to the Rec center and dropped Eliza off at her class. Kate and I were walking up and down the flight of stairs they have right next to Eliza's class when I heard Eliza's teacher in the hallway say Eliza's name and tell her the direction of the bathrooms. I ran down the stairs to tell Eliza to wait for me to take her since I didn't want my little girl wandering down the hall by the main entrance by herself. Kate was stopped on the landing of the stairs and wasn't moving so I ran up the stairs to get her and then we hurried down the hall to catch up to Liza heading to the bathroom. When she saw the bathrooms she said, "I'll just go at home." I told her she needed to go so she didn't have an accident and she was already missing class so she needed to hurry. (I was a little annoyed at this point because we have an issue with her lying to me about going potty. I always tell her to go before we leave the house so it isn't an issue when we are out to find a bathroom. She tells me she went, but it is usually a lie. I don't want to have to go and watch her use the bathroom so I am trying to just trust her or make her hold it if she lied. I was mad that she told me she had gone to the bathroom before we left and here we were missing class...) She said she needed help getting her leotard off so I started to pull it down for her and told her to finish pulling it down and then go to the bathroom. She sat down on the toilet and started peeing and then yelled for me. She hadn't pulled the leotard and tights down far enough and her legs were too close and touching making the pee pool and run directly onto her clothes. It was a total accident and I knew that, but I was mad we were in this situation to begin with. I stripped her of her clothes and had to rinse them off in the sink. I started to try to dry them under the blowers, but I realized we would be in there the entire hour. Kate, in the meantime, was running around the bathroom eating her snacks I had brought and I kept telling her to not touch anything. The bathroom is not the place to be eating! I told Eliza she would have to wear her clothes wet since we didn't have time to dry them. On the way back to class I told Eliza to say she had spilled something on her if anyone asked about why she was wet. She said, "What did I spill, Mom?" I said, "Water. We did have to use water on it." I know it sounds horrible to teach her to stretch the truth, but I didn't want her to be made fun of for peeing her pants when it was a fluke accident. None of the other kids even noticed and I just told the teacher we had an incident with the water. When we were loading up to go home Eliza said, "Mom, I like wearing wet clothes, and no one even made fun of me!" She was sweet making a good situation out of something that I had made too big of a deal about. I love her for that!

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