Monday, June 8, 2009

Little Suckers

Katelyn and Nathan are both finger suckers. Kate sucks on her first two fingers on her right hand, but only when she is going to sleep. She also has to have a particular shirt of mine that she stole almost two years ago from me while she was napping in my room. It is now something that is part of her bedtime collection (also included are her pillow, blanket, 2 baby dolls, and a sippy of water). She sucks on her fingers and holds the shirt right up close to her cheek and nose. It is really cute, but something that we are going to have to break her of. The dentist told me today that it isn't affecting her bite...yet. He said to try taping a glove onto her hand at night. That's going to be a fight. I tried at rest time to get her to not put her fingers in her mouth. I kept taking them out...and she would give me a dirty look and put them back in. It was like she was silently saying, "What's the deal, Mom? Leave me alone!" I told her she was a big girl and she didn't need to suck on her fingers and she said, "But I want to!" Looks like the glove is going to have to come out.
Nathan sucks on his second and third fingers on his left hand, but only when he is in bed. He also has one blanket that he is very fond of. It is fleece which is unfortunate in the summer here. Both of my kids get into bed, find their fingers and pull their blanket/shirt up to their nose and go to sleep. Little habits you learn about them along the way. I think it is cute.

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