Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I love the simple little opportunities I have to bear my testimony to my children. Eliza is very a curious little one, I don't know if it is just the age or if it is unique to her. She is always asking questions and wanting me to tell her stories. Yesterday, Daddy took the two younger ones to the store but Eliza didn't want to go so I stayed home and had a little one on one with her. She just eats that up. She wanted me to tell her stories about when she was a little baby. I told her 4 or 5 short stories while I was making dinner and then somehow the topic changed. I don't even remember how. She said, "Mom, tell me a story about Jesus." I thought that was so sweet. I told her about Jesus performing miracles and then about Jesus walking on the water. She was so excited about that story that we pulled out the picture scriptures and told the story with the pictures. She remembered it and during family prayer after Family Home Evening she blessed Peter walking on the water. Nathaniel looked confused so I filled him in. I am grateful for her and her curiosity. It allows for a lot of teaching opportunities. Not just me teaching her, but her teaching me. What a blessing children are in our lives. I am not perfect, but without them I would be a lot further from it than I am now. They bring perspective to us in small everyday moments like Eliza taught me today.

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