Friday, February 25, 2011


Nathaniel and I started the Insanity workout on Monday. We are keeping a blog of our pain, failures, and hopefully in the future, success and results. Nathaniel posted pictures and stats. I did not. I don't know that I am ready for that kind of humiliation. Women are a little more sensitive to that kind of thing. But, I will post how much I have lost in pounds and inches as I go. I hope it will motivate me to continue to be "insane". So far it has been a good program. I don't see how you could possibly do Insanity without getting results. That is the point. I am hoping that by doing this I will get to my goal weight by my anniversary/Becca's wedding (April 24 & 22). I have 10 pounds to go, but more would be just great. I also hope this helps with my running ability. I have had quite a setback since moving to Ely due to elevation (6435 ft.) and cold weather. I love doing the program with my husband. It makes for some fun, friendly competition. I have added a link to the blog under family & friends on the side if anyone is interested.

1 comment:

Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

I just read your blog for the workouts you guys are doing!!!! So fun I can't wait to see updates!