Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tid Bits

The way we look when we travel. Look how big Tan looks forward facing!
Sack lunches can be fun in many ways.
Juner came up to me and said, "ook, om!" (Look, Mom) I laughed so hard.
Tanner discovered where I keep my food storage.

Still just as cute as can be.
Random notes:
Nathaniel now weighs in regularly under 200 pounds. (He is 6' 2" for those out there wondering.) He looks smokin' hot. He ordered a workout program called Insanity with our discover points and we are excited/scared to death to start it next week when it comes in the mail. He is hoping this will further sculpt him into the Greek God that I already see him as.

I am finally seeing numbers on the scale that I haven't seen in a year and a half. I still have 10 pounds to go until I reach my goal weight (probably more after Valentines day yesterday), but at least it is within reach. I am back into my favorite pair of jeans. I ran just over 3 miles on my treadmill last week which was a milestone since distance running indoors is not my thing. I prefer intervals or incline walking.

Nathaniel's interview went well in Yuma and we heard he has made it to the top 3, but we haven't heard anything else yet. Either way, we know that we are being taken care of and that the Lord has been with us through this process. So even if we don't get the job, we do recognize that the Lord has a plan for us and that his plan may be different from ours. Frankly, I'm ready to pack up my house and move to Yuma and be neighbors with Nancy. That sounds delightful.

Nathaniel is the 1st Counselor in the Elder's Quorum Presidency and I am the 1st Counselor in the Young Women's. I really love my calling. Nathaniel likes his as well. Neither of us have had callings like this before, so we are learning a lot and loving those we work with.

I never wrote about our trip to Utah in Jan. We were there just overnight, but had such a great trip. We stayed at Chelsea and Ryan's and got to play Settlers of Catan with them. I have missed this game oh so much. It was fun to spend a little time with them. We also got to sneak down to see Breezer for a little while and I decided I would very much like to get over to Utah for a girls weekend with my sisters. I love spending time with them. We then went to visit the Largey's whom we haven't seen in 2 1/2 years. We were great friends before we moved to Tucson and it was so fun to see them and catch up and just laugh. I do hope to get over to Utah and have a trip like that again.

Nathaniel's Bar Card came in the mail on Friday so he is now OFFICIALLY A LAWYER!!! How grown up we seem.

1 comment:

The Joe said...

SO much has changed since I've seen you last. And I love that in that first picture Tanner is giving the old 'tanner apartment salute'. hehehe