Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tubing on Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve we were invited to join some friends to go tubing. I haven't been tubing since my college days. I had an absolute blast! If it is going to be this cold, at least we have friends who hook us up with a REALLY good time! It was a beautiful sunny day, still very nippy, but I'll take the sun ANYTIME! Dave and Lori have a truck and they pull huge tractor tubes behind it. They put a smaller tube inside the large tube and then you climb on and off you go. They had invited us and 2 other families to come along, the Parks and the Walkers. I really like all of the families they invited. Don't know them very well, but really comfortable to be with.

Lori and Lindsey (the moms) each took a tube of kids first. I was holding Tanner and I wasn't sure if there was enough room for anyone else on the tubes. The dads stayed behind to wait for round 2.
The next time around those that didn't get on tubes rode in the back of the truck. It was hilarious to watch the kids faces. Nathan had the funniest expression on his face. It was this huge grin that spread across his face but looked like he was in a lot of pain. I couldn't stop laughing. I tried to get it on camera, but it just didn't do it justice. The snow was coming up over the front of the tube so all of the kids turned into Lori for cover and the poor lady was lost under all four of the kids. She's such a great lady!

Next, Nathaniel and I took our girls on one tube while the other tube held several of the guys. We were having such a fun time and I was laughing and telling the girls, "We didn't get to do things like this in Tucson." Then all of a sudden the big outer tube popped and we only had the little tube for the four of us. It was SO funny! I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Bryan was in the tube behind us and he hollered at the truck to stop since no one in the back of the truck saw what was going on. So, no one got hurt and we all had a REALLY good laugh. I hope we get to do that again this winter, at least it adds a fun element to the snow. I loved it when Lori said, "We're so white trash to do this." We may be, but at least we have each other and have fun doing things like this together.
This is after the one tube popped and they were just towing it back to the vehicles. There were a couple of guys on it but they were afraid it would pop so 2 got off and walked. Nathaniel had to ride it back because he couldn't feel his toes anymore so he was not big on the idea of trekking back through the snow. He only wore ankle socks...silly boy, we're not in Arizona anymore!

1 comment:

LoriAnn Grigg said...

Not in Arizona anymore is right! Live it up Sista!