Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snow Day!

Today is technically the first day of winter, but it sure doesn't feel like it is just beginning. It has been snowing here since Sunday night and didn't stop until today (Tuesday) around mid-morning. It was record snowfall for Ely and we got a foot or so of snow. I'd say more, but supposedly not. School was canceled today and I was very happy. Yesterday when I went to go pick up Eliza the car was not moving forward up the hill to school it was standing still at best, sometimes we were not even standing still but going backwards.
Nathaniel and I both shoveled yesterday and you can't even tell. I went out this morning and shoveled for at least 45 minutes to find the steps and my car (which I did drive yesterday like I said, you just can't tell from all of the snow coverage). The girls had fun playing in it for about 20 minutes. That's about as long as it took us to get ready to go out to play in the snow. Nathan stayed out with me the whole time and kept falling over like the kid in the Christmas Story and couldn't get himself back up. So funny! I know he is wearing a girl hat by the way. His Buzz Lightyear hat was in the van and the door was frozen shut.

See how high the snow comes on Eliza? Kate refused to wear her snowpants and then took one step in the snow and it took her breath away. She wanted me to carry her. I told her too bad, maybe next time she'll wear the pants.
Nathan gave up playing as he waited for me and just lay down in the snow. It was so cute. He got inside and started crying because his fingers were so frozen. Poor kid.

1 comment:

LoriAnn Grigg said...

Holy Snow!!! I'm going to have to show my girls this so they know what real snow looks like. =) Glad you guys are getting new and fun experiences up there in Ely.