Thursday, December 9, 2010

Frozen Thanksgiving

We had planned to go to Washington to my grandma/mom's house for Thanksgiving. Our plan was to leave Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday early in the morning. Well, this storm came through on Tuesday and the forecast wasn't much better for Wed. so I went to the store and loaded up on all we would need to have a cozy Thanksgiving at home.
Daddy had to leave work a little early because the snow was coming down so hard I couldn't even see across the street. So, he made up some hot chocolate at home and shared the cool whip with the kids. Even the little guy got in on the action.

Tanner did this superman thing all of the time that I thought was so cute.
We all went to bed on Wed. night and woke up to this...

about 6 inches of ice on the inside of our windows. (Have I mentioned how much I do not enjoy the cold?) Our furnace had stopped working and it was so cold in our house we were literally freezing. It was a record cold for this time of year...-19 in below zero. You could see your breath as you walked around the house. It was at most in the 40's in our house. The thermostat is a dial and it was as low as it goes. We tried turning on the one space heater we have in our room and warming up the rice socks I made and then the electricity went out in more than half of the house.
Daddy snuggled the girls in to read to them while we waited to hear from our Landlord.
It was taking a while so we ended up packing, throwing our half cooked turkey in our cooler and driving to Grandma's. I wasn't sticking around to literally freeze my behind off. By then the roads were fine. The kids did a pretty good job on the 13 + hour drive and they actually fell asleep (which they never do in the car). Tanner cried for a few hours on the way up, but on the way back he did great. The only things we missed out on were Thanksgiving dinner and seeing old friends. We had McDonald's for dinner which just doesn't come close. Oh well. We had such a great time at Grandma's and ate tons of pie to make up for what we missed.

1 comment:

LoriAnn Grigg said...

Next year just come here! =) I know we're not as good as Gramma but we're warmer down here. No frozen anything. =) Miss ya!!