Thursday, December 16, 2010

"Aunt Laurel's" Car Mat

(Just for the record, the plaid is a different blanket under it.)
I got the idea to make a personalized car mat from my sister-in-law Tricia. At Thanksgiving she mentioned she had drawn one for her son and put things and places on there that he would know, like grandma's house and aunts and uncles houses. I loved the idea and got a little carried away. It isn't perfect, but I am happy with it and I hope my kids will be too. I have had to work on it when they are around sometimes and so I told them it was for Aunt Laurel's boys. I have put a lot of sweat and even a little blood into this, but the only tears I have shed were those of joy...I'm done!

I had to add McDonald's because my kids love it. I also put Grandma's house with her orchards and Nana's house with the pool. There is also a police station, zoo, school with playground, church (or temple as Liza calls it), library, campground, barn, hospital, and gas station.


The Santini Stew said...


Nancy said...

Tennille!!! It turned out so great!!! I can't believe all of the detail - I am totally stealing some ideas and designs. Thanks so much for making mine easier!! I really think that it looks so perfect!!

Laurel said...

I'm so excited you made it for my boys!! Have you mailed it out yet? I LOVE IT!!