Thursday, July 22, 2010

One Week


In one week life can move on. We will be able to push forward with packing and finding a place to live in Ely (because apparently a month is too far in advance to look for rentals).

In one week we'll be closer to Nathaniel's family reunion and getting all together for Matthew's wedding and seeing siblings we haven't seen for a long time.

In one week I'll be able to take a nap.

In one week our house will still be on the market, but at least we will only have to deal with the stresses of keeping it extra clean for another month.

In one week we'll be able to do something together as a family.

In one week we'll be able to rent a movie or watch TV without the guilt of wasting precious study time.

One week from now is one less week to spend in the Arizona heat!

But then...

In one week my family will all be sitting up at my uncle's cabin at Lake Coeur d'Alene all sunblocked, but still sunburning, and I will be missing it for the 5th (but final, I hope) year.

One week from now means one less week with friends (and kindred spirits!) here in Tucson.

In one week Eliza will be that much closer to going to kindergarten and I'll have to work around someone else's schedule (besides the fact that I'll miss my little girl when she goes into the big world...or the little world of Ely for that matter)

In one week, Tanner will be one week older and he's already growing up so fast, so although I can't wait for one week to be over, I'll miss out on stuff if I don't just enjoy every day I have. I don't want to be wishing time away too quickly. "Come what may and love it!", right? That's the way I want to live my life!


LoriAnn Grigg said...

Stop it, you're going to make me cry! =)

Joanna said...

Yeah! Hope it goes well!